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Thursday, April 26, 2012

New York Stories

"How sweet it is (not to be loved by you) but welcomed by us cost guards.."
The land of Freedom.
"Staying Alive" on Ellis Island.
If you want to get a green card.... take a wasp boy friend!!
My brother talking to Miss Liberty, going to the gay pride.
Hum!   a nice piece of meat for a cheeseburger!
"Diamonds are a girl's best friends"
Chocolates are also a girl's best friends
It could have been"Seven years in Tibet" but "Seven days in NY" was most interesting for shopping
It's a shame, we bought a metrocard to take the high line but we've never seen the metro!!
"Our Love is Here to stay"
"When Harry met Sally"
"Love is in the air"

Maverick and Goose.
Pearl Harbor 2
America's Voice.
Yes We Can!
"You talkin' to me?..."
"Have you ever met Mrs John?"
"I believe I can fly"
Canadian guys are too cute!
The next worldwrestling champion!
I found my hero...
But where is Spiderman??
"New York Empire State of Mind"
"Gentlemen prefer blondes"...especially with big boobs!!


Laure said...

Ca faisait longtemps tiens !!
Super voyage à ce que je vois !! Que de rencontres :)

sarah-mai said...

Great pics! Glad you enjoyed the city :)

nhu ha said...

aaaah, ce Vivi, il ne changera jamais....

templin said...

Vi Vi for president "more hope, more change, more plans, Yes we can!".

Looked like you had great fun!