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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!!!

As you know, Sis and I made a donation to The Gentle Barn in your name.  It's an annual membership - which means you can go and visit anytime you want and get discounts for their events in LA :)  Here are some of the animals who thank you!


templin said...

That is so beautiful.
Are these your photos?
IF only humans can be so at peace with one another.

templin said...

That is so beautiful.
Are these your photos?
IF only humans can be so at peace with one another.

templin said...

That is so beautiful.
Are these your photos?
IF only humans can be so at peace with one another.

ely said...

thank you my sweethearts.
for all mothers, including the cohabitants the animal, please watch " peaceable kingdom, the journey home".

sarah-mai said...

Chi Phuong - No, these are images I found online from the Gentle Barn. They post pics almost everyday of their animals playing together :) We're trying to plan a short trip to LA this year pretty much just so I can go there. Every Sunday you can go and visit and interact with all of the animals. And they ask for volunteers during the week to hug and pet the cows and sheep so they don't get lonely. How sweet is that?

templin said...

I have joined the international "meatout mondays" campaign . I am actually offering a cooking class once a month on a monday (no laughing please). My first meal will be a vegan fried rice using Tofurkey sausage.

Come on family, google "meatout monday" and try it.

sarah-mai said...

I hope Trinity and Tory will be helping you! Good luck!!!

Laure said...

I love your fried rice Chi Phuong !!!

templin said...

Believe me, I need all the help I can get.
Your mom keeps telling me to jump and a net will appear. Here I gooooooooooooo :---)