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Monday, January 4, 2010


So I know we said we'd have a reunion this summer in France...what is the plan???

I'm not 100% sure we can make it, but we will do our best. However, Heath and I would really really really like to go to Vietnam in April of 2011. We may need to save our France money for that! Let me know and I'll see what we can do. Anyone up for Vietnam with us?

Here is the translation from will probably be awful :)

Ainsi je sais que nous avons dit we' ; d ont une réunion cet été en France… ce qui est le plan ? ? ? I' ; m non 100% sûr nous pouvons le faire, mais nous ferons notre meilleur. Cependant, la bruyère et moi voudrions vraiment vraiment vraiment aller au Vietnam en avril de 2011. Nous pouvons devoir épargner notre argent de la France pour cela ! Faites moi savoir et I' ; le ll voient ce que nous pouvons faire. N'importe qui vers le haut pour le Vietnam avec nous ?


The Roses said...

i don't think that we'll be financially able to make it to france this year though we'd love to. i think next year to vietnam would be more doable for the roses BUT i don't think we could do April. Mark will most likely be teaching then and he can't take 2 weeks off during the school year.

sarah-mai said...

We picked April so it won't be the rainy season...what is it like there June - August?

The Roses said...

i don't know. ask mom.

ely said...

i don't know, ask Thien.

Claire said...

We could try to save some money for the trip to Vietnam. Summer is easier for me and the kids but the problem is that Loïc can never know his schedule ahead like that.