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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

105th street and broadway at 11pm


Nhu Ha said...


Claire said...

Must have been an exciting night!

Laure said...

I'm sure you all didn't get much sleep after that!

templin said...

Ma Hai voted for our new President!!!!
May peace reign over our planet!!!

Laure said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarah-mai said...

ma hai - you're an american now!!!

templin said...

I was curious as to which policy Obama promised that caused France to show such strong support for him.
Is it that France wishes the U.S. to move more towards socialism? Come on family, who is going to share their thoughts. I shared mine and everyone went quiet. I actually enjoy a thoughtful argument.

Chi Ngoc, we love the bag that you made.
Trinity is taking it to school.

sarah-mai said...

ok - just a few of my thoughts - even though i'm not french...

obama wants to end the war in iraq (granted he wants to go into afghanistan, but hopefully he'll change his mind). obama doesn't want to rely on oil anymore. obama wants to make healthcare available and affordable for everyone, which it SHOULD BE. obama is extremely intelligent and speaks very well. he will represent us to the world as a forward thinking nation. i don't think bush represented us in a positive light. he cannot speak and comes off as unintelligent. sarah palin wants to take away the rights of gay married couples in the states that already allow it. she wants to reverse that decision. this is backwards thinking and not progressive in any way. i don't want guns and i don't want drilling. for me it comes down to environment, healthcare and war. mccain is all about war and oil. i just cannot support him.

just my opinion :)

sarah-mai said...

oh and i think john mccain is too old and out of touch. i'm not trying to discriminate, but we need someone young and fresh with new ideas. change we need!

Nhu Ngoc said...

Ma Hai, where are you ? at Phuong's or me Hoa's ??? Câu 5 Thanh 's looking for you !
Phuong, tu as DEUX MAMANS pour toi toute seule, enjoy !!!! :))
Love you all

Nhu Ha said...

Obama ne nous a rien promis, mais nous en avons assez de Bush, nous ne l'aimons pas , a cause de la politique de Bush dans le monde que les gens n'aiment pas les americains,pour ce qu'il a fait aux americains ( guerre, crise economique, pauvrete, les pauvres gens n'ont pas acces aux soins medicaux, comme Anh Ba ...)
Le socialisme n'est pas le communisme, le socialisme c'est le social, les gens , la SOLIDARITE, l'argent des soins est preleve tous les mois sur le salaire des gens qui travaillent pour que TOUTES les personnes puissent etre soignees, aller a l'hopital GRATUITEMENT comme pour Ngoai ....
en plus Mc Cain a 76 ans, et l'Amerique a besoin de quelqu'un de neuf pour redresser le pays...

and we always love YOU

Claire said...

It's funny that you see us as socialist when we are definitly not. To have access to healthcare, education and a decent home is what everyone should have. I know my taxes are high, but I like the idea that everyone has the same rights. I could need a home if I loose my job. I could get cured if I needed to. And not pay $500 for a drug that is worth 10. Your health system is scary and it hurts me to know that people don't get proper treatment because they can't afford it.
Bush went to Irak just because of the oil. Nothing to do with freedom or terrorism. The real war is happening in Afghanistan and it scares me even more to know that women and men and children are suffering because of talibans.
There is so much more to say.

Nhu Ngoc said...

Hi family,
i'm sure we all wish the same things : no more war, no more misery, no more injustice but Peace, Solidarity, Fraternity and Love.... With the president Obama, let's hope a part of martin luther king's dream may come true !!!
Nhu Ngoc

templin said...

Wow this is fun!!!
I do wish for the best for our world.
Obama has the majority in congress and the house.
His fresh ideas will cost $43 trillion dollars in new spending. If he does not deliver the promised changes in two years, like the Clinton administration who also had the house and senate, the states will go red again.
Just to refresh your memories, actually Sarah in 1993 you were too young to know, and my French family would not know this; Clinton signed a bill to relax all standards for banks to give out loans. He wanted "everyone" to have a home. Claire, I agree with you that every one deserves a home. Clinton said all banks need to give loans to people with no credits and horrible credits. Guess what, the banking industry collapsed because trillions of dollars were loaned out and cannot be paid back. So now not only are the people out of the homes that they cannot pay back, the entire economy has taken a hit. So I am not sure if this one is Bush's doing.
As far as gay marriages are concerned, I think our family understands this topic well enough, the democratic state of California just passed the bill banning gay marriages two days ago.
I love Sarah Palin, she represents to me someone who can handle things from many different angles. It is amazing that the feminist group hates her. A successful career woman and a mother of 5.
As far as energy, lets go with wind, solar, nuclear, clean burning coal. Our problem is not oil, but dependence on foreign oil. Texas and Alaska have been the major producing states, and our dependence on foreign imports is due to no one else wanting to drill in their states. I believe France imports a majority of their oil also.
Ethanol has its problems. All the corns are now being used to make fuel instead of exporting for food. The cost of transporting the massive amount of corn is so much more costly than running oil through pipelines.
McCain might not be a pretty sight to look at , but he has a lot more experience and courage to stand up in very tough situations despite his crippling experience as a POW in Vietnam.
Now for healthcare, are you and Heath in a financial position to pay for everyone's healthcare?
I believe in empowering people to do things for themselves. I would like a government incentive program that encourages me to purchase healthcare for my employees. I do not want to be penalized by having a successful business by paying more taxes. Last year I grossed $95,000 doing photography, I know that is nothing according to New York standard. After %35 in federal tax and %10 on the other taxes, and overhead, I made $35,000. Let me keep the money that i have made so that I can hire more people and keep the growth going. Simply, if you want healthcare, work hard like everyone else. I do believe in taking care of the older generations. That is why we have medicaid and medicare.
On education, we have this program call "no child left behind". Every child that crosses the border we must educate. It is very hard on Texas right now but we do it. Our collegiate system is very competitive. The U.S. has 7 in the top ten in the top 100 world universities. There are community colleges everywhere that is very affordable. But if I wish for my kids to go to the top universities, than they better work and get some scholarships and a job. Then they will know the value of a good education and put that education to work.
Our country is far from perfect, I do not worry too much about what the international communities think of the US. I believe in a system where the government empower people to do for themselves.

Well enough of the matrix of politics.

I love you all very much.

templin said...

ma hai is at my mother.
I will go in Saturday and spend the night with her.
She was here last Monday. We went shopping

ely said...

to treat a disease, you have to know what causes it.
to stop war, you have to know what creates it.

ps : palin hunts for sport.
wants to drill oil in alaska.
do not believe in global warming.
we have raped mother earth enough!!!

sarah-mai said...

the war in iraq is costing $12 billion a month.

i am appalled that california voters overturned the allowance of gay marriage.

i'm sure sarah palin is a decent person, however, that does not mean i want her to be vice or possibly president.

i think no matter where the oil comes from, we need to get away from it. it is causing so much harm to our environment regardless of its source.

i am more than willing to pay for universal healthcare. b/c when heath was laid off last year and we didn't receive our severance until 6 months later, we would have been provided with healthcare. if anything would have happened during that time, when we could not afford it, we would be in a terrible situation.

i want our country to be part of the world's community b/c we are part of the world. everything that goes on here or abroad affects everywhere else. look at the effect of our markets on the global markets.

i see your point on all of these issues, we are just on different sides...which is the best part of america. no matter what your religion, ethnicity, beliefs you are allowed to practice them. that said, we have a long way to go.

templin said...

Sorry Ba Di Oanh,
Which has heavier karmic consequence, hunting or the right to abortion.
If we drive a car or use public transportation and use plastic, we have used oil from Alaska , Texas, Venezuela, Middle East. We are all guilty of raping this land.
If the world eats meat, and I am sure all our presidential candidates do, then no one believes in global warming.

WE will keep trying and do our best!!!

May light rains on on Earth!!!!

Laure said...

Hey Phuong, did Trini like my white woolly hat? I made it for her, hope it's not to small...!

BTW I hope you don't mind but I had to make a resumé for school and I said I was your assistant the last summer I came...helping you with the equipment, developing...