in honor of the 7th book, scholastic books is holding a festival tonight in soho - here are some pics. there's face painting, a muggle board to post messages, a place to take your picture as harry on the cover, etc. there should be thousands of people there tonight all dressed up!!!!
en l'honneur du 7ème livre, les livres scolastiques tient un festival ce soir dans le soho - voici un certain PICS. il y a peinture de visage, un panneau de muggle pour signaler des messages, un endroit pour prendre votre photo comme dévastent sur la couverture, etc... il devrait y avoir des milliers de personnes là ce soir tout habillées vers le haut ! ! ! !
I can't wait to read the book! I have to wait till Laure finishes it though :(
Plus there's been links about the end in the news, and I hate them for spoiling my pleasure.
Well, they just don't get it.
WIsh I could see the crowd and the party, must have been something!
I'm about 3/4 of the way through the book...
I wish I could have seen it!!!!!
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