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Saturday, July 28, 2007


A few days in the Alpes with the cousins!
Here are some pictures!!
We had a lot of fun, the weather was really great, thanks a lot!

Quelques jours dans les Alpes avec les cousins!
Voilà quelques photos!!
On s'est bien amusé, et le temps était super, merci!!!


ely said...

why i am not in the pictures?
was i invited?
anyway, i luv the pictures!
miss all of you very much.

Nhu Ha said...

-"non, Antoine, je ne peux pas te donner la main, dit me ha
- pourquoi?
- il faut marcher a la file indienne, comme les indiens;
-ou sont les indiens? " demande Antoine.

ely said...

If I didn't know better I would have thought this was the Von Trapp family from the Sound of Music. Lia looks like she is about to break into "The Hills are Alive". Looked like a good time was had by all.

sarah-mai said...

i want to go next time!!!!

sarah-mai said...

who knew our family could be confused with Austrians :)