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Monday, November 7, 2011

Screenprinting . Week 3

Yesterday we burned our screens. It's a fairly easy process, but takes some time. First you oil your images so that the paper becomes like velum, or just use velum!

Then you drag a thick liquid emulsion across your screen, let it dry, then place it on top of your image(s), weight it down and place it on the machine that exposes the design to a bright light for 5 minutes. The emulsion doesn't get baked into the black parts of your images, only the transparent parts. You then wash off the emulsion and you're left with your images burned into the screen.

The VW beetle is just a stain from the previous user  :)

Next week we'll begin printing!


Nhu Ha said...

it's really interesting but seems soooo difficult to me.;;;;;
i would like to try once to print .....

sarah-mai said...

It's not difficult, I promise! We are in a class with 8 other people and it's a 3 hour class every Sunday. We get our work done rather quickly but with so many people you have to wait your turn to do everything :) It's a fairly simple process.

ely said...

that's funny. Me Ha has a picture of a "deux chevaux" for sis's pillow. almost like the one on your print.

Claire said...

Can't wait to see the result!