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Saturday, March 29, 2008

spring break

Hi Family,
We rented a house in Galveston and enjoyed some fresh sea air.

Here is an update on Ba Loi.
The bone scans showed that the cancer is contained only in the prostrate. That is good news. From stage 1 to stage 4 in severity he is at stage 1. IT is treatable and if he changes some of his eating habits and begin a stress reduction program (meditation) the cancer is reversable.

I have done alot of research on cancer ( not just Prostrate) Here is what I have come to understand. I wanted to share this with my family so that maybe Dad will be the last one in our family to have to deal with this type of illness.

Everything that causes most cancer comes through the path of our mouth. Yes, we cause our own sickness.
The toxins that come through our mouths take on the forms of :
1- Processed food that is full of preservatives and hydrogenated food (removal of water and oxygen out of the food)
2- Tobacco
4-and the big one - Meat (chicken being healthier than red meat is a myth. During the cooking process, chicken produces a greater carcinogenic content than red meat. I will tell you where I found this info at the end).
5-lack of excercise
6- and other big one - inability to handle and process daily emotional stress.

So how do all these things cause cancer or any other disease? The weakening of our immune system!!!!
All our lives, the immune system has fought off toxins and worked very efficiently to rid our body of toxins to keep us healthy.
But it comes to a point when our little battle cells are worn out because it is overworked and the food we feed ourselves is not good enough to refuel the cells (rich oxygen being one source of energy that the cells need).
The emotional toxin from stress and a weak heart from lack of exercise leaves the immune system (battle cells) with no more energy).
Thus the toxins can now mutate the healthy cells all it wants and as fast as it wants.

So what are our choices?
1- Put in your mouth the things that are "GREEN and CLEAN"
2- Simple exercise everyday to strengthen your heart.
3- Yoga or meditation to detox our emotional bodies and refuel with spiritual energy.

I hope this is useful. I am not trying to convert anyone into anything. I love my family very much and with all the young generations in our family, I want us all to stay strong and happy.


Love to all


Laure said...

Nice post, love the pictures, miss you guys! you're so big now!

sarah-mai said...

i love the important!!! thanks for sharing it with us & tell ba loi we're thinking of him.

Claire said...

Ba Loi, we love you!
Good luck on the diet/exercise/meditation!!!

Nhu Ha said...

love you Texan guys
Anh Ba , you look like the Yoda

Nhu Ngoc said...

Hi Phuong,
MERCI for all these news !
Ba Loi & Me Hoa, soyez forts, nous pensons très fort à vous !
Lot of love from Montpellier :))