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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Palm Springs/LA

Heath and I made a trip to Palm Springs + LA a couple of weeks ago. Here are the highlights...

Our trip started with a drive from LAX to Palm Springs...Sam kept me company.

Not a bad way to spend the weekend. It was 110 degrees F in PS that weekend.

Unbeknownst to me, the palm trees need trimmed back every year. We watched in awe as a local landscaper performed this tedious task in the heat. Can you imagine???

I love these pillows we saw at a new restaurant in PS...I will now start my search for this fabric!

And my first experience with Vegemite. Our lovely friend Brad is Australian and officially introduced me to this oh so popular treat. It's quite good on crackers with Earth Balance.

And I was a typical Hollywood tourist one evening, so excited to see Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts walking into the Larry Crowne premiere from my hotel room.

And finally, a trip to the Universal wardrobe fun to get lost in here!


Claire said...

Can you buy the clothes?

sarah-mai said...

I think you can, but they're very expensive. They want to keep most of the clothes so that they can rent them.