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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time and space video

I had to create a video for a project in class. The subject was "time and space" and I worked with a friend. We wanted to illustrate the invasion of space by human activities.

We had a lot of fun, it took us about 15 hours to build !!


Claire said...

C'est excellent !Bravo, j'espère que vous aurez une super note !

sarah-mai said...

very looks like it was so time consuming to make!

templin said...

I have been reading about the number six and the hexagon. Here are the six words that dance to form a unity:" Structure, function and order", these three separate words represent a unity. The next three words are "space, power, time", every whole event occurs at the intersection of these three aspects. Any whole event or thing has spatial structure, inherent power, and duration in time.
Look up the Borromean Rings.

I think as human beings, we have missed use the power that we are capable of , and in the time that we have been given, we have done well in being destructive to the space we have.

Here is a book that you might find fascinating.
"A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe"
The mathematical archetypes of nature, art, and science.

Laure said...

Well if I understand it right, I think that's what we wanted to show !