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Saturday, October 27, 2007

pics of the boys in costume

how do the boys' costumes look? owen is on the right and isaac is on the left...


templin said...

I love it!!!
You are so creative!!!
They look just like orange snow men. I knew exactly which snow man is Owen and which one is Isacc.

Laure said...

Wow!! I lOOOVe the costume! How did you make it look so real?? How do they breathe? or just walk?

ely said...

this message is for Tori:
Owen & Isaac love the slippers!
Owen wore them for pyjama day at school.
pictures will follow, Tramy said.

templin said...

we need a picture of master yoda in basketball boots!!!

ely said...

it's in Antoine's hands.
he has Yoda's costume and slippers both.
Isaac has passed on the torch!

Claire said...

Love the costumes. Tram you must have spend hours sewing them!
Antoine loves his slippers and the Yoda costume. I will post the pictures later this week. Or maybe Laure?
Tram thanks for the clothes and camera, I'll post the pictures he tooks with it.

sarah-mai said...

how did the pumpkin carving go? any pics of the boys creations??? send pics of them trick or treating!!!