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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling Water

Heavy Rains have been hitting the south of France for almost two weeks. Today was quiet so we left the house and took some pictures.

We got our own cascade in the backyard ! So Chic !
Kids can go fishing !
The Herault river in full power, near Saint Martin de Londres
The source of the Bueges River
The village of Pégairolles de Bueges
In Saint Jean de Bueges : never seen that much water !


ely said...

water is blessing!!!
wash away bad karma.

Laure said...

Ca devait être impressionnant dans les villages

sarah-mai said...

Wow, is it normal for these kinds of floods in your area?

Michel said...

Yes, quite normal, it's called "cevenol flooding" and it happens almost every year at the same period. But this year it's just a bit longer than usual