Our last event will be teaching a Tai Chi exercise class. We have had about 15 people coming to our event each time.
People have been very receptive to the idea that our body is a work of "smART". Thus why would we treat the work of art in such a horrible way by ingesting so much toxin. Thanks me Oanh for the advice on using the word "smART" instead of "hard".
We talk about 3 main reasons for food: to fuel, to heal and to flush.
In the new year, we will push the "Engine 2 Diet". I can use any help I can get out there:)
dr. esselstyn is coming to Youngstown Jan. 18th.
he is the father of the author of " engine 2 diet".
next class in Montpellier ???
i like to learn taichi.
et aussi le Chi Cong ;;;
OK family,
everyone Tai Chi in Michel's pool.
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