It was great, altough some parts of the town kind of disapointed me...
Some places are very touristic and full of people, very moderns, some other are really "dull", sad and grey...but I guess that's because of its history.
But yesterday, we went to a really nice neighbourhood called "Mitte" which was really really great and beautiful...
A line that represents Berlin wall crosses the whole town, and sometimes you can find the remains of it, but people are so not respecful... This one was covered with drawings and chewing gums...
This place was just amazing, very modern, maybe too much, but so unbelievable... This "cover" you see is inspired by Mont Fuji in Japan. It covers several buildings. Most of new construction in Berlin are made of glass.
This was a huge giraffe made of Legos !
This is a memorial to the Jewish, a very strong place. You can walk inside of it, you are surrounded by high columns, you kind of get lost too, it was beautiful and peaceful...
Are they concrete columns?
So sad for the human race!
Yes concrete but it's very soft when you touch it
did you go for school or with anthona :)
It was for school :)
(it's Antonin lol)
i can never get his name right! i pronounce it like An-tuna. tuna is a fish :)
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