Vous devez vous demander ce que je suis entrain de faire!! Et bien, c'était hier, je faisais... mes devoirs d'archi!! Des plans, des persepectives... mais mes planches sont trop grandes alors je devais m'allonger sur la table!! Et ma mère a gentillement prit des photos de moi...
It is a lovely view of you!!!
Are you having fun?
Shouldn't you be helping your father in the the garden?
all you have to do is posted those 2 pictures and any school would accept you right away.
J'ai hâte de voir le résultat.
Allez courage c'est bientôt les vacances !
I am having a lot of fun!! Well, actually I have to admit that I suffured a lot with that Waterbar project, but now that it's over I loved it!!
I can't help my dad, I...uhm just can't?! lol
I have my exams this week, but it's ok, it's not that important beacuse I'm goind to Paris next year...!!
Love you all!
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