1er jour de détention pour Hervé Ghesquière(et Stéphane Taponi,absent sur les photos car chloroformé..)toujours détenus par le djihad islamique,après que ses parents et ses grands-parents aient refusé de payer leur rançon....

Antoine:" I enjoyed my vacation with Tonton Vivi because it was so funny to play videogames forbidden under 18.

"and there were so many interesting readings to improve my english...!!!"

"It's so easy to learn with nice pictures....."

"Thanks a lot,Tonton Vivi for all those great advices......I'm ready now for my first day of school !!! "
I didn't pay the ramson.
How come the kids are back?
au secours !!!
Vivi est fou !!!!
How much for another year of detention in Lattanamo ?
Your weight in tomatoes OK ?
Il a l'air heureux ton détenu !!
Now your kids know more than my kids.
So lucky to have tonton VV.
TonTon VV, any suggestions on how to begin the birds and the bees topic?
Di Ha,
Are you on hold for the trip to NY due to IRENE?
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