Seems like Corsica is the meeting point of the LQ family these days, at least the european branch !
Lily and I spent 4 days in the north of the island last week, I regret to say that I could not keep up to the "7 villages a day" standard, but you will understand why when you get to drive there...
So here are a few pictures of the famous Beauty Island...
The following pictures were taken at the Campo Di Monte Farm, an incredible place hidden in the mountains. Excellent food, very original setting (tables are dressed in 4 different buildings) and highly recommended (can do veggy, the soup is just gorgeous)
it's beautiful! i can't wait to go next year!!!
I was curious who took the picture of you and Lily? The Goats!
Well, Jim you're asking for it :
Goat it right !
an italian tourist took our picture, there were A LOT of foreign tourists in Corsica: allemands,suedois,suisses,italiens,
neerlandais, anglais .....
You can add the Americans to your list of tourists next year.
How long can we stay? We will do hard labor for room and board. Trey can mow the lawn, Tory can climb and vacuum the roof, Trini can give manicures, I am not sure what I can do but keep me away from your tomato plants.
WE are thinking about last week of July and 10 days into August.
yeahhhh come come come come you all !!!
trop chouette !!!
we wait for you, Templins, you can any time you want !!!
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