Rejoice , rejoice, rejoice greatly ! Unto us a recipe is given !
First prepare some garlic and shallot to season your dressing. Use a regular table spoon and GENUINE Dijon Mustard plus GUERANDE Salt (preferably bought directly from the producer). Then fill the spoon with plain or BALSAMIC vinegar (that part is Lily’s contribution to the mystery).
Wait for the salt to melt. Prayers and incantations are strongly advised at this particular moment. Burning incense is not mandatory, but might help.
In the blessed month of June 2009, I finally got clearance from the Bernard’s Family Council to unveil the long awaited Blanche’s Vinaigrette secrets. It cost me a fair share of my heritage and - the most painful part - a dozen bottles of Mirabel…
First prepare some garlic and shallot to season your dressing. Use a regular table spoon and GENUINE Dijon Mustard plus GUERANDE Salt (preferably bought directly from the producer). Then fill the spoon with plain or BALSAMIC vinegar (that part is Lily’s contribution to the mystery).
But the most important part comes with adding OLIVE oil. Thou shalt PRECISELY use THREE volumes of oil for each volume of Vinegar !!! Repeat after me : THREE TO ONE is the revelation.
Now you can exercise your creativity by adding Roquefort of Goat Cheese, but never, never ever use Chamois d'Or, the ultimate SIN that led so many to excommunication, crucifixion and even some stoning...
Thank the Lord and don’t forget to send your offerings directly to Montpellier. Just send the Gold, forget about Incense and Myrrh !!!
i am truly impressed by the presentation.
A+ for photography
A+ for transcript
next, a cookbook?
What the heck is wrong with Chamois D'or?
Wow,Michel, I am so excited that you are crossing over from the dark side, I mean, you are talking about incantations and incense burning?... Wow, all that tree hugging and quality time with "The OANH" is really having a positive effect.
I am enjoying your blossoming!!!!
I just want to know who makes up the Bernard Family Council and how do we infiltrate it? I don't want the Vinaigrette recipe - I want Blanche's Jams!!!
MERCI MERCI MERCI!!! I will now have wonderful dressing to serve my husband and our guests :)
However, Heath is very disappointed. He is still awaiting Blanche's jam recipe...
When can we expect that??? And he would like to know how many bottles of Mirabel that will require?
Blanche's Rapsberry Jam recipe revealed to the rough, uneducated palates of central Nebraska ? Are you kidding ?? Sorry, I cannot take that risk, the Geneva Convention strictly prohibits weapons of mass taste education.
it's not Guerande salt, it's Aigues Mortes' !!!!
of course it's Aigues Mortes salt!!!
i knew it the minute i saw it!!!
I just love all these comments, it makes me laugh so much !
ok - you had me hooked until you said no Chamois D'or.
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