The Bernard's (Martine, Marc and Sabine) came last week for a quick visit to Montpellier and Luberon.Early spring was just beautiful and the garden blooming, our wisteria is beginning to grow.

We stayed at our favorite B&B "La Victorine" and we beat the world record with 7 villages (castles included) and two abbeys all in one day ! Heath can be proud of me !
This picture was taken in Lacoste (near the marquis de sade's castle)
And this one is from Roussillon, with famous ochre cliffs.
Also we went to Baux de Provence (as a bonus) and were so lucky to be the only ones around, just amazing. But we got caught by the guards and got proper punishment, as you can see.
Back to Montpellier with the rain falling hard this week end.

Super belle la glycine !
i want to have lunch under that magnifique wysteria!
No need to torture yourself, we love just the way you are.
heath said his feet hurt and he's exhausted just looking at your pictures!!!
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