Well Man, you know Man, the dude dropped by for the week end.
I was just lazying and smoking grass, but then...

We went bowling of course, and had some Carte d'Or Vanilla Ice Cream

And then we found a Mirabel Magnum Bottle in the guest room, can you believe it ?
(probably one that Heath had been hiding, it was under the bed...)

Well, you know, this really tied the Dude together, I had to nurse him a while after that.
perfect :) !!
c'est chouette!!!
p.s. you peed on my rug.
What has happened to you?
Is it a mid life crisis?
I was a little worried when you hugged a tree, and vacuumed your roof, but now i think you need help.
I will call Me Oanh immediately!
honestly Michel, you have nothing else to do?
That was my idea to take a picture with his doll, but he found all the little scenes you can see !
Sarah, did Heath see this?
tell the dude to keep his hands off my ice cream & mirabel! i'll be there to get them in a year or so!!!
heath thought it was so cool that you did this michel. you've just increased your coolness factor :)
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