I went on a Creative Writing retreat in Cat Springs Texas this week-end with 10 other professional women.
It was so great! Here is my writing piece.
Given " The voice spoke her truth. It said these things:..."
I came up with:
Go into the void,
Go directly into the eye of the storm,
Reach into its absolute stillness,
And the magnificent place of nothingness.
Open your heart and hands to arm your life with my gifts.
The first gift, the gift of simple humility.
In humility you will feel the grace of all BEINGS.
The second gift, the gift of compassion,
In compassion, use your passion to care for all that I have created.
The third gift , the gift of meditation,
Every night, in meditation,
I will take you HOME.
It's beautiful Phuong, the pictures are beautiful too, miss you all
amazing amazing poem. i love it! also love the vietnamese potbelly pigs!!!
It was so amazing to see all the animals roaming around free and happy together.
there was a one horned deer that came up to my hand and he even kissed a cat.
there was a great oprah show on yesterday about how we treat the animals we - well not us :) - eat. there's a big bill up for vote in california about letting animals roam, free range, cage free, etc. very good show! excellent to see people so involved in making sure the animals are treated well.
about the poem, i said it before, and i say it again : where did you copy that?
i really want to meet the author.
he or she is a very special,soul!!!
Special enough to get some free muffins???
It's been a while you know!
you are amazing! i go on retreats shopping.
nice pigs.
and i go on retreats of sewing
who come with me?
and i try to treat well those i love: all of you...
i will go on a sewing retreat with you me ha!
and a shopping retreat with my sister!!!
That leaves me and Trammy out of the sewing retreat.
I will go shopping with you Trammy.
Yes, nice pigs indeed.
crazy family!!!!
anybody up for a vegetarian and meditation retreat?
At the Inn keeper's place?
wait...will there be shopping too :)
How about a family retreat where everyone can contribute and teach other family members something new.
We all do something together.
Shopping not included in the above price.
i'm totaly approved
camping for everybody, free food, swimming pool, sun, sea ...
hope you like tomatoes and green beans
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