my sister is trying to decide between these three dresses to wear to my wedding. please vote and help her decide! (yes, they're made of condoms & no, she better not wear one to my wedding!!!!)
ma soeur essaye de décider entre ces trois robes de porter à mon mariage. svp la voix et l'aident à décider ! (oui, ils sont faits de condoms et non, elle pas portent mieux un à mon !!!!) de mariage
oh my gosh!!!
beautiful, i vote for the third one, for the touch of the fabrics...
I go for the 3d one too. Tram you would look fantastic in this dress. Can't wait to see the pictures :)
i like the third one too....very colorful for the beach :)
like the third one too! but the white one is nice too!
I like the classy simplicity of the first one. Especially if
Trammy inflates them all, then she can self float in the beautiful Atlantic ocean. A peaceful bubble gently moving up and down in the waves.
Are condoms recyclable?
Do they make a looser more free flow cut for meditation?
Hey Di Ha, you can make summer hand bags with ???
The white one on Sarah Mai for her cocktail reception ! Yeeeehhh !
sure i can...
Rarah can you bye this fabric at Purl Home for me please?
Maman, "buy" et non pas "bye"!!
oh sorry!!!
je me disais aussi que qq chose n'allait pas
um, i don't believe they sell this fabric at purl. however, i will call them and ask if they can start ;)
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