A little picture of the next one to join our family.
Amazing how you can see his hand.
Antoine was very excited but thought after all that he couldn't see much!
Une photo du prochain à rejoindre la famille
C'était très émouvant de le voir, de voir si bien ses mains.
Antoine a trouvé ça marrant mais au final, il nous a dit n'avoir pas vu le bébé !
so a boy/!?!?!? is that what i think it is in the picture :)
Actually we don't know yet. 60% of chance to have a boy... We'll know more in one or two months!
Bravo Claire et Lolic !!!! il est trop CHOU !
take care ;)
Me Oanh,
j'ai reçu la laine et l'écharpe ! MERCI & LOVE
Me Ha,
je suis passée à la maison, tout va BIEN ! Maxi Grosses BiZZZ
i come highly recommended for baby sitting. license and all....
please consider my offer.
love you guys
Trini wants a baby sister so bad.
Trini will baby sit for you.
OMG - is that a penis or a pencil?
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