Last monday, I had the chance to go to Disneyland with two girlfriends, we had a lot of fun! I went there when I was little, but I didn't have any memories!!
Sorry the pictures aren't in order...
Lundi dernier, j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir aller à DisneyLand avec deux amies de ma classe, c'était super! J'y étais allée quand j'étais petite mais je ne m'en souviens plus...
Désolée, les photos ne sont pas trop dans l'ordre

Quelques photos de la parade de nuit ...
I have done space mountain!! I LOOOVED it!!
J'ai fait Space mountain! J'ai A-D-O-R-E!!
Les animaux de Blanche Neige
La maison hantée
Le bateau pirate (pour Antoinre :) )
I forgot to tell you that I have a new haircut :)
J'ai oublié de préciser que j'ai une nouvelle coupe !
I have that same picture with my mum when I was little!
J'ai une photo de moi petite avec ma mère au même endroit!
Ely wamts to know if the hat you are wearing is from the yarn your mother brought back from her trip here?
I want to know why you are running off to Disneyland when you are supposed to be studying hard and working toward one day providing for your poor old aunt and uncle in the USA. I can dream!!!
The hat I'm wearing is from yarn I bought last year, but I made an other hat with the white yarn she bought! Well it's not done yet but I'll send pictures ok?! :)
That hat I'm wearing is perfect with th gloves you made me :) !!
And I didn't school last monday so I went there, but don't worry, I'm working hard to take care of your old days :)
Love you all!
Ok Antoine veut savoir pourquoi il n'était pas invité ?
Antoine wants to know why he wasn't invited!!!
La prochaine fois qu'il vient je l'emmène!!! :)
looks like so much fun...i love the alice in wonderland! i'd like to go someday..
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