Here are some pictures of my work at my school...
Voilà quelques photos de mes travaux d'école...

Paris's roofsLes toits de Paris

My table during a lesson of colors!Ma table pendant un cours de couleurs!

Pyramids in volume lessonDes pyramides en cours de volume

Paintings of sweet potatoes
Peintures de patates douces
trop beaux les toits de Paris
tu me les gardes stp, je voudrais bien les encadrer plus tard...
non! c'est pour moi first.
Laure, i will send you cookies, better yet Hersheys almond bars!
Ouuuh, interesting!!
What else do you offer??! :)
I offer you Tory!
wow, a child offering. that's impressive. what can i do to get trinity :)
oh and i forgot - beautiful drawings! you're so talented - come and stay with us in new york! there are so many great design and art resources here!!!
i take Tory, Antoine looks like Tory so much, everything...physical and the way he plays.
it's Tory's duplicata
Wow!! Well these are interesting offers!!! I'll have to work hard then!
-Me Oanh, I do accept your Hersheys almond bars!!!
-Phuong, Ok for Tory but I want Trey and Triny too :)
Ok Laure,
I'll take the yam paintings for Tory, but for the other two, a villa on the Riviera.
All Trini wants to be is a girly girl, I can't handle it. I think she picked the wrong mom.
OK, I have heard that Isacc looks like Tory too.
How can an Ohio farm boy and a Frenchmen look like a Texan. There is a gene problem here!!!
she didn't pick the wrong mom! she's there to teach you to be a girly girl sometimes!!!
Kelly painted my nails today (toes included).
who you callin' a farm boy?
you can have owen...he's worse than having a girly girl.
laure - you have such talent! i've taught you well.
kelly, how about my toes?
you paint my toes and i feed you with our provencal tomatoes
tomatoes and packaged chocolate bread (for tory).
Poor Owen, Mom just can't understand you!
Yeah, Tram, you're such a great teacher :)
Ok so I have all the kids on my own just for 2 little drawings?? That's interesting :)
laure - any more drawings and you'll be sent adoption papers :)
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